Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Sunday, 21 April 2013
The Year Of The Snade
Today is the first day of the Year of the Snake in the 12 year cycle of the Chinese calendar. In myth, religion and symbolism snakes are almost universally regarded as positive. Ophion was a sort of Greek creator or overseer of the world. Mercury and Hermes the Roman and Greek messengers of the gods carried a staff with two intertwined snakes on it. The rod of Asclepius, the Greek god of medicine and healing, had a snake twisted up it. Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent was the Aztec creator, and the Egyptian pharaohs always had a snake on the front of their crowns, although I don’t know why. One of the few malign snake deities was the Egyptian Apep, god of chaos. It was probably he who caused the ancient Hebrews to regard the snake as evil, and hence the Bible creation myth of Adam and Eve being tempted by Satan in the form of a snake.
In Buddhism the snake occasionally has a negative role as when it represents hatred in the centre of the Wheel of Life, the pig representing delusion and the cock greed, the three always depicted biting the other. But as with most traditions Buddhism more often gives it a positive associations. The most significant of these, as mentioned in the Vinaya, is the incident that took place during the Buddha’s third week after his enlightenment. A violent rain storm broke out and the naga (snake or dragon) Mucalinda coiled himself around the Buddha seven times and opened his cobra-like head over him to shelter him (Vin.I,3).
Some say it points to the Buddha’s seven chakras being opened, chakrameaning ‘coiled energy.’ Ingenious but unconvincing. The numerous tantric texts give different numbers of chakras, from one to over 30. Andcharka does not mean ‘coiled energy’, it just means circle or centre. Another explanation, perhaps more convincing, is that the story was meant to give a role, albeit a minor one, to the various snake spirits and deities worshipped in Magadha at the time, to sideline them as mere minders or bodyguards to the guy who really mattered – the Buddha.
Anyway Xin Nian Kuai Le to all my Chinese readers.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
The Curse of the Black Pearl

1 Elizabeth first met Will Turner when she was just a girl aboard her father's ship. the HMS Dauntless. She'd spotted Will in the ocean and he was hauled on deck. Afraid he'd be mistaken for a pirate. Elizabeth took the gold Medallion she'd found around Will's neck.
2 Eight years later and alone in her room in Port Royal's mansion house. Elizabeth put on the Medallion.
Meanwhile, a man wearing a battered leather hat stepped off a fast-sinking trawler into Port Royal harbour. Tow guards asked him his business.
"It is my intention to commandeer one of those ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasly guts out!" said the man.
3 Later that day, the newly promoted Commodore James Norrington asked Elizabeth to marry him. The bodice of her new dress was so tight that, before she could answer, Elizabeth fainted and fell off the cliff edge into the sea!
The man in the hat saw Elizabeth fall and rescued her.
4 "Well, well," said Norrington. sternly. as he shook the man's hand. "Jack Sparrow, isn't if?
"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please, sir," replied Jack.
Jack Sparrow was a wanted pirate. After an impressive escape and a swordfight with Will Turner, Captain Jack was recaptured and taken to Fort Charles prison, sentenced todeath.
5 That night. Port Royal was raided by pirates. They were looking for
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